Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth
For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead,
to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of
teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  II Timothy 4:3

Sound Doctrine - Bible Truth - Bible Teaching - Contending For The Faith - Biblical Doctrine - Spiritual Discernment 


True Doctrine

False Teachers

Aberrant Theology

New Age Movement

Emergent Church

Seeker Sensitive

Word Of Faith

What Is A Cult?


Statement Of Faith




Our bookstore offers many print and download resources

Christian Apologetics Print Resources Available

Five questions about life only the Bible answers
Where did everything come from? What is the nature of God? Why am I here? What is the remedy for sin? Where is everything (including you) going in the future?
Exposing The Secret
You can hardly miss the buzz. Oprah, and other talk shows promoted some topic related to The Secret. What is the Secret, & why should Christians beware of it?
Nine facts that disprove the claimes about the lost tomb of Jesus
Nine facts that answer the questions raised by the Discovery Channel's program, The Lost Tomb of Jesus. The flyer is formatted to be printed front and back on legal size paper. 
What every person should know about the 7th Harry Potter book
The contents of Harry Potter 7, we find that there are some key issues parents should be aware of like vulgar language, level of violence, & spiritual content.

Christian Apologetics Printable Tracts, and Articles On Related Subjects:

  • God Not His Name... It's His Nature: This article looks at the  nature of God to see that the false teaching that men can become a god or that we are "little gods" can't be true since the Bible say that God is "by nature God." Where as we are by nature human.

Christian Books, DVD's & Other Materials to Order:

order below
Book - Mormon Claims Answered by Marv Cowan - $4.50 with Free S&H
$4.50 (free S&H)
order below
Book - What Every Mormon Should Ask by Marv Cowan - $3.50 with free S&H
$3.50 (free S&H)
Watch Online
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DVD - Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith - $3.50 with Free S&H
$3.50 (free S&H)
Order all Three

All Three -$10.00 (free S&H)





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